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Veritas is a pension insurance company managing the statutory pension security stipulated under the Employees’ Pension Act (TyEL) and the Self-Employed Persons’ Pensions Act (YEL). We shoulder our responsibility for pension assets and for the adequacy of funding for the pension system through securing that the pension assets generate sufficient return and by ensuring our solvency. Our operations are guided by the following values: we are boldly and genuinely ourselves, we are constantly improving, we work together with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Review of the CEO

From Veritas’ perspective, the year 2023 was a success despite the challenging times. During 2023, Veritas handled the statutory pension security of over 120,000 persons. Our customers were satisfied with our customer service and we also succeeded in attracting a great number of new customers throughout the year.

The year of responsibility

The past year was another active year for us as we continued with our work to further our responsibility targets. Integrating responsibility work in our day-to-day activities is crucial and has been entrusted as the task of every Veritas employee.

Customers and beneficiaries

Personal service and good accessibility are the core elements of our customer service. These elements enable the provision of individual and high-quality guidance in all matters pertaining to earnings-related pension insurance.

Responsible investment

We invest pension assets profitably, securely and responsibly. We shoulder our responsibility for pension assets and the sufficient funding of the pension system by ensuring the return generated by the pension assets and our solvency.

Good governance

Our objective is to ensure open and functional corporate governance. In our business operations, we adhere to our values, our Code of Conduct and good insurance practice. We act ethically and fairly.

Responsible employer

At Veritas, the basic elements of a responsible workplace consist of co-operation, renewal, integrity, transparency as well as flexibility and fair treatment.

GRI index

In reporting, we have employed the GRI standard (Global Reporting Initiative) to the extent applicable. The GRI target comprises international indices suitable for all industries to promote the comparability of responsibility. The GRI index contains those parts of the standard for which information concerning Veritas is available.