Transitioning into retirement represents one of life’s major changes. Our customer service assists those contemplating their own old-age retirement, as well those for whom pension becomes topical, for instance, on account of disability. We want to ensure a smooth transition from working life to retirement and that there are no disruptions in an individual’s livelihood.

Target 1: We focus on customer service

Indicator 1B: Score awarded by beneficiaries on customer service, NPS*

In 2023, the service satisfaction of Veritas’ beneficiaries remained at a solid level. We measure beneficiary satisfaction through NPS surveys conducted after service encounters, and we aim for the results to always be above 50.

During 2023, we carried out systematic work to reduce our processing time. By the end of the year, our processing times were considerably lower than at the beginning of the year. The monthly statistics on processing times in October-December were in line with the objectives, but on the annual level, we fell slightly short of the set targets. However, the development was in the right direction and the results can be seen as a positive achievement, particularly since the number of applications remained high.

The exceptionally high index adjustment to pensions in payment led to an increased number of contacts during autumn 2023. This caused occasional queues in customer service and placed an additional burden on the daily work of Veritas experts. The high estimate for the index adjustment to pensions in payment increased the volume of applications for partial early old-age pension to the record level of the previous year.

Target 2: We issue pension decisions swiftly and reliably

Indicator 2A: Pension application processing time in days on average

Indicator 2B: Percentage of decisions upheld in redress process

The average processing time was 33 days (29). We still have a little way to go to reach our processing time target, but the direction is positive. The target set at the start of this year is still to reduce the processing time by amending the processes and instilling new procedures.

Our objective is for our pension decisions to be lawful and comprehensible while also meeting all other criteria set for good decision-making. We are constantly monitoring the decisions made by appeal instances, which allows us to ascertain the lawfulness of our decisions, and to implement modifications to our decision-making policies, where needed. Our goal is for the percentage of amended decisions to remain below 15 percent.

Number of pension recipients

wdt_ID Asiakasryhmä Luvut (Luvut)

*including part-time pensions and partial early old-age pensions

During the year, we granted 2,591 (2,802) new pensions. Of the pensions, 69 (78) per cent were old-age pensions, 16 (12) per cent disability pensions and 15 (11) per cent survivors’ pensions.

We succeeded relatively well in realising our basic task. During the year, we paid monthly pensions to approximately 39,000 beneficiaries and our experts advised a large portion of the entrepreneurs and employees insured by Veritas We ensured that the right amount of pension was paid at the right time. The total sum of pensions and other benefits amounted to approximately EUR 707 million.