Reporting principles

In reporting, we have applied the GRI standard (Global Reporting Initiative), as applicable. We also report on risks and opportunities related to climate change in accordance with the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures).

Organizational profile
102-1 Name of the organization Veritas Pension Insurance Company Ltd.
102-2 Activities, brands, products and services Statutory earnings-related pension insurance
102-3 Location of headquarters Lemminkäisenkatu 34, Turku, Finland
102-4 Location of operations Finland
102-5 Ownership and legal form A private limited company. More information in the Corporate Government Statement.
102-6 Markets and sectors served Finland
102-7 Scale of the reporting organization Annual report and financial statements
102-8 Information on employees and other workers Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsible employer”
102-9 Supply chain Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Corporate responsibility is embedded in everything we do”
102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain Change of CEO. Carl Pettersson worked as CEO until 11 April 2021. Tommy Sandås was chosen as Interim CEO on 12 April 2021. In its meeting on 9 July 2021, the Board of Directors of Veritas appointed Carl Haglund as the CEO. Haglund is currently going through an induction programme and will become CEO after the induction programme is finished.
102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach Risk management policy
102-12 External initiatives or principles to which the organization subscribes, or which it endorses Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsible investment”
102-13 Membership of industry associations and advocacy organizations Finance Finland (FA), The Finnish Pension Alliance TELA
102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Review of the CEO”
Ethics and integrity
102-16 Values, principles, standards and norms of behavior Vision and strategy, Code of Conduct
102-18 Governance structure Corporate Governance Statement: ”Company management and administration”
Stakeholder engagement
102-40 List of stakeholder groups Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Corporate responsibility is embedded in everything we do”
102-41 Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 100% of employees
102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders Internal materiality analysis
102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Corporate responsibility is embedded in everything we do”
102-44 Key topics and concerns raised through stakeholder engagement Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Corporate responsibility is embedded in everything we do”
Reporting practice
102-45 Entities included in the consolidated financial statements Annual report and financial statements
102-46 Defining report content and topic boundaries Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Corporate responsibility is embedded in everything we do”
102-47 List of material topics Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Corporate responsibility is embedded in everything we do”
102-48 Restatements of information given in previous reports No changes.
102-49 Significant changes in the list of material topics and topic boundaries Weighted carbon intensity (TCFD) instead of carbon intensity is used as an indicator for the goal “We take action to decelerate climate change”.
102-50 Reporting period 1.1.2021–31.12.2021
102-51 The date of the most recent previous report 19 April 2021
102-52 Reporting cycle The report will be published annually.
102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report
102-54 The claim made by the organization if the report is prepared in accordance with the GRI standards This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards level “Referenced”.
102-55 The GRI content index Corporate Responsibility Report: ”GRI index”
102-56 External assurance The report has not been subjected to external assurance.
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Corporate responsibility is embedded in everything we do”
103-2 The management approach and its components Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Review of the CEO”
Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Corporate responsibility is embedded in everything we do”
Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Good governance”
Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Risks and opportunities of climate change under the TCFD”
103-3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the management approach Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Review of the CEO”
Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Good governance”
Economic performance
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed Annual report and financial statements
Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Customers and beneficiaries”
201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities posed by climate change that have potential impacts on the organization Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsible investment”
Indirect economic impacts
203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts and their extent Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Customers and beneficiaries”
205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures The personnel is annually provided with training in Anti-bribery principles.
302-1 Energy consumption within the organization Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsibility in real estate”
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsibility in real estate”
Water and emissions to water
303-5 Water consumption Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsibility in real estate”
305-1 Direct greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions (Scope 1) Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Risks and opportunities of climate change under the TCFD”
Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsibility in real estate”
305-2 Energy indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Risks and opportunities of climate change under the TCFD”
Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsibility in real estate”
305-3 Other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3) Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsibility in real estate”
305-4 GHG emissions intensity Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Risks and opportunities of climate change under the TCFD”
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Risks and opportunities of climate change under the TCFD”
Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsibility in real estate”
306-2 Management of impacts related to waste Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsibility in real estate”
401-1 Number of new employees hired, and employee turnover Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsible employer”
401-3 Parental leaves In addition to statutory rights and those based on collective agreements, fathers are entitled to take as long a paid parental leave as mothers; also flexible arrangements are possible.
Training and education
404-1 Average hours of training per year per person Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsible employer”
404-2 Programs provided to upgrade employee skills, and transition assistance programs Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsible employer”
404-3 Percentage of total employees who received a regular performance and career development review 100%
Diversity and equal opportunities
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Corporate Responsibility Report: ”Responsible employer”
Julkinen päätöksenteko
415-1 Political contributions We do not support or assist political parties or politicians